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Join date: Sep 17, 2020


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My name is Lucas Schlake, and I love and follow Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. It's out of His love for me--and from that love, my love for Him--that I write what I write and do whatever I do that promotes His name. If you do not believe in Jesus and don't consider yourself a Christian, the message is still as much for you as it is for me--may we look for the answers in our lives with honesty and truth, and always remember to keep love at the forefront.

My intention is not to offend anyone; though Christ does say the Word is sharper than any double-edged sword. I do not understand everything that is in the Bible (and I don't think I ever perfectly will), but it is out of faith and love for my God that I will look deeper into it, trust in it's authority, and see what more He wants to teach me through it's words. I will be learning more about God and His ways for all my life, and I will be putting some of that journey into CastTheNet. At the end of the day, it is all for God and to God, so I pray that whatever He does in this vessel brings you closer to Him.

If you receive nothing from CastTheNet, save for the knowledge that Jesus Christ died on the cross and then rose again on the third day, overcoming sin and death, and that by believing in His name you can have eternal life; then this work, along with my life, has achieved it's purpose.

Thank you for visiting CastTheNet and checking out this small thing that God is doing. God bless you.

Lucas Schlake


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